Saturday, October 26, 2019

Land claim- if the explorers navigated the headwaters of a river and placed a claim stone or plaque at the source of a river they could claim all the land associated with that watershed. The top map (below)in the footer picture is - black line from KRS to the very source of the Little Minnesota River. Could this what they believed to be the source of the Mississippi River?

Note; the Green line in this picture (both Steamer maps below) are the Hudson Bay/Gulf of Mexico Continental Divide- so all the water from the source of the Little Minnesota River drains to the Gulf of Mexico-all the water North of this line drains to the Hudson Bay.

Note:The latitude of both the source of the Little Minnesota River and the KRS are the same!

Timetable for the Solstices  and Equinoxes at the KRS site in 1362

see also;

KRS_ Celestial Alignment

see my other KRS Blogs--